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Complete the sentences with the words in the box up,down,on.off 1)leo, look at all your books on the floor! pick 2)this bag is very heavy. i`m going to put a minute 3)it's cold today. you should put a warm coat 4)it`s hot in here . i`m going to take my

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1) leo, look at all your books on the floor. pick them up please. ( pick up — поднимать) лев, посмотри на все свои книги, которые на полу. подними их, . 2) this bag is very heavy. i'm going to put it down for a minute.                                                            ( put down — опускать, класть на пол) сумка эта тяжёлая. я поставлю её на пол на минутку. 3. it's cold today. you should put on a warm coat.              ( put on — надевать) сегодня холодно. тебе надо надеть тёплое пальто.4) it's hot in here. i'm going to take my jumper off.                          ( take off — снимать) здесь жарко. я сниму свой джемпер.

2. Mike hates going to the shops with his aunt.

3. Peter likes singing English songs.

4. My brother and I enjoy skating in winter.

5. Mary began swimming in the swimming pool when she went to university.

6. Children hate getting up early in the morning.

7. Jack began choosing a new suit for the party.

8. Mother finished doing the rooms late yesterday,

9. Dad stopped driving when he was 70 years old.

10. Granny began growing roses last summer.

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