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Заполните пропуски, употребляя положительную /сравнительную/превосходную степени прилагательных/наречий, данных в скобках.
1. Water is (healthy) than cola.
2. In 1950s soccer was (popular) than hockey.
3. Their house is (big) than ours.
4. Robbie Williams is my ( favourite) singer.
5. James is (tall) than Mike.
6. He is not as (good) at football as his brother.
7. Bobby is a lot (much) talented than James.
8. This job is getting (hard) and (hard).
9. He is by far the (old) person in the office.
10. Hollywood is the (expensive) place I have ever been.
TASK 2. Подберите правильные разделительные во к следующим предложениям.

1. I could join as well,
2. Steve told her,
3. My parents are really happy,
4. You can't see it,
5. This story isn't true,
6. This is a disaster,
aren't they?
couldn't I?
is it?
isn't it?
can you?
didn't he?

TASK 3. Заполните пропуски с подходящими формами модальных глаголов: must, mustn’t, will have, had, have to, has to, don’t have to, doesn’t have to.
1. We ...... cook tonight. Cindy has invited us to dinner at her place.
2. You ...... to come with me. I can't go there on my own.
3. My father ......buy a new car. He can’t go to work by bus.
4. You ...... study hard if you want to go to university.
5. Do I really ...... do my homework?
6. We ...... stop polluting the environment.

TASK 4. Заполните пропуски с подходящими по смыслу лексическими единицами из следующего списка: a, an, some, any, much, many, a lot of, few, a few, little, a little.

I always have 1._____big breakfast before I leave for school. I start with 2._______ orange juice and 3.________ pieces of toast. After that, I have a bowl of cereal with 4._________ milk. Sometimes I eat 5._________ cheese, too. When mum makes her special pancakes, I have 6._________ them with 7._______ syrup. I don't eat 8._________ fruit. My elder sister always yells at me because I eat so 9. ____________ food, but she hasn’t 10.__________ idea how hungry I am!

TASK 5. Заполните пропуски с подходящими по смыслу возвратными местоимениями.
1. — What did you do at the weekend?
— We entertained ________ by watching DVDs.
2. — Are they going skiing with their parents?
— No, they're going by ________________ .
3. — Did Mary get upset when she chipped her tooth?
— Yes. But she calmed ___________ down on the way to the dentist.
4. — I fell down some steps yesterday.
— Oh, no! Did you hurt ____________?
5. — Do you need help finding your notebook?
— No, I can find it _____________ .


TASK 1. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. Do you have the new Arctic Monkeys album? Yes. I (have) it for over a week now. I (buy) it yesterday.
2. Do you know Steven? Yes. We are good friends. I (know) him for more than 10 years. Really? I (meet) him for the first time last week.

TASK 2. Выберите правильную форму глаголов в Present Perfect Continuous .

1. Sam and Pete (work) together for a long time.
2. Why is James angry? He ( look for) his car keys all morning.
3. Where have your parents been? They (shop) since the morning.
4. I am tired. I (swim) in the pool all afternoon.
5. My sister looks happy. She (chat) with her boy friend for 2 hours.

TASK 3. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous .
1. Tom is not here because he (go) to work. He'll be back at 4 o'clock.
2. Jane (study) all day.
3. The playground is perfect. The children (just clean) it.
4. We (work) without a break since 8 o'clock.
5. I (walk) in the park last week for 3 hours.
6. They (talk) about it all morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Да есть

2.1 час

3.Это когда человек общятся в реальном мире

4.Тем что ты не печатешь а разговариваешь и интернет не нужен

5.Да приносят


7.Да возможен

Надеюсь что хоть чем то

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