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Ребят нужно решить тест по английскому
1. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа:
а) tooths b) toothes с) teeth d) toths
2. Подберите нужное местоимение:
We don’t have much food. Please, bring … for tea with you.
a) someone b) something c) anyone d) anything
3. Выберите правильный вариант употребления притяжательного падежа:
He knows … but he doesn’t tell us.
a) the this book name b) the book name c) the name of this book d) the book’s
4. Выберите правильный вариант, чтобы закончить предложение:
The flag of the USA is the representation of _________ .
a) 13 stars and 13 stripes b) 50 stars and 13 stripes c) 60 stars and 7 stripes d) 50
stars and 15 stripes
5. Выберите правильный ответ на во Выберите слово, которое не относится к группе:
a) destroy b) kill c) separate d) create
7. Выберите единственный правильный вариант ответа:
He ... oranges, but Ann .... them.
a) likes, doesn’t likes b) likes, doesn’t like c) likes, don’t like d) likes, not likes
8. How long … for me at the airport next Monday.
a) will you wait b) do you wait c) did you wait d) shall you wait
9. It is warm today, but it...very cold yesterday.
a) were b) is c) was d) are
10. Everybody in our family.....Mummy about the house. Dad…..the dog, I.......the
flowers, and my brothers.....the rooms.
a) help, walks, water, clean
b) helps, walks, water, clean
c) help, walks, water, cleans
d) help, walk, waters, cleans
11. I usually… newspapers, but today I…TV.
a) reads, am watching b) am reading, watch c) read, watch d) read, am watching
12. When I phoned she … a bath.
a) had b) was having c) was have d) has
13. The Mona Liza … by Leonardo daVinchi.
a) was painted b) were painted c) painted d) is painted
14. Some new schools … next year.
a) will build b) are built c) will be built d) will built
15. If the weather …fine, I … for a walk.
a) will be, will go b) is, will go c) will be, go d) is, go
16. How many new schools … this year?
a) were built b) have built c) built d) have been built
17. That little dog …with its tail is my sister’s pet.
a) played b) having played c) playing d) play
18. Would you like … a seat next to the orchestra?
a) to have b) have had c) having d) have
19. Are you sure you saw …this boxes?
a) that he open b) him opening c) him to open d) him open
20. She answered that Jennie … their car at the moment.
a) is cleaning b) was cleaning c) cleans d) had cleaned

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Ответы на вопрос:

3. c)

4. b)

5. d)

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Популярно: Английский язык