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Расставь глаголы в предложения. can’t, couldn’t, must, had to, ought, would
1. That woman in the street …. be mum! She’ s at work now!
2. Unfortunately, Bob…. swim when he was 10.
3. I …. apply for the job if I want some extra money.
4. During the World War II our grandparents…. hide themselves from the enemy.
5. We ….to clean the table after dinner.
6. …..you like some more tea?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Present Continuous

2. Present Perfect Simple

3. Past Simple

4. Future Simple

5. Present Simple

6. Present Perfect Simple

7. Present Simple

8. Future Simple

9. Past Simple

10. Past Continuous

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