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British Isles
_____British Isles lie off ____north-west coast of ____continental Europe.
They are made up of _____Great Britain (___England, ___Scotland and ___Wales) and ___Ireland (___Northern Ireland and ___Independent Irish Republic) and some 5,500 smaller islands. ___whole territory of ___ British Isles is 244,000 square kilometers.
We will not find ___high mountains or ___large plains in Britain. Everything occupies ___ little place. ___nature, it seems, has carefully adapted ___things - ___mountains, ___plains, ___ rivers, ___lakes – to ___size of ___island itself. ___ mountain 12,00 feet high would be ___wonder there. So would be ___plain 400 miles long, ___river as wide and deep as ___ Mississippi.
Most of ___plains lie to ___east; ___west is hilly or mountainous. ___mountains even in ___highest part of England are only ___little over 3,000 feet high. ___highest mountain in ___British Isles is ___Ben Nevis in ___Scotland, 4,406 feet high. ___longest river is ___Severn, about 2000 miles long. ___highest waterfall is 370 feet high.
Too often ___visitor who has only ___few days to spend sees only ___Lowland England, and so he cannot see ___contrasts between ___wild fiords of ___Scotland, ___rocks of ___North Wales, ___smiling orchard land of ___Kent, and ___open moorland of ___Sutherland. These contrasts are often not far from ___big cities.
___climate of ___British Isles is influenced by ___Atlantic Ocean. ___winters are not so cold as they can be on ___continent, but ___summers are not so warm as they usually are on ___other side of ___Channel. In ___other words, ___Great Britain has ___mild climate, but because of ___length of ___ British Isles ___temperatures differ from ___district to ___district.
___North is certainly colder than ___South, but in ___winter ___coldest districts are ___eastern ones. ___climate here is more like in ___Central Europe. On ___whole ___weather changes very often and there are ___few sunny days. Britain has ___ rain in every month of ___year. ___rainiest months in Britain are ___November, ___January and ___February. Usually there is ___little snow in ___winter.

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