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I. Use the correct tenses of the verbs.

1. The concert (start) at 7 p.m.

2. Jessica (get) more beautiful and beautiful.

3. Look at Steven. He is really happy because he (win) the competition.

4. Where are Judy and Helen? They (cook) since 10 am for the party.

5. We (move) to the east in 1998.

6. I (work) on the article when he came in.

7. Look out! You (step) on the cat’s tail!

8. I hope you (change) your mind.

II. Choose the correct variant.

1. Keep… from the fire! It is dangerous.

a) up with b) on c) off

2. Burglars broke … Dad’s office last night and stole his computer.

a) into b) out c) down

3. It was Will who came … the idea of going into the haunted house.

a) out b) over c) up with

4. John didn’t think he could make the project, but then he carried it … .

a) away b) out c) off

5. We should check that new Italian café some day.

a) out b) out of c) off

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Ответы на вопрос:


2.is getting


4.were cooking


6.were working


8.will change



3. up with


5.out ?

Если я не ошибаюсь, то должно быть так

Если будет дождь, то я одену  плащ. если будет солнечно , то я одену шляпу. если будет холодно , то я одену  куртку. если будет ветренно, то я одену свитер. если будет снегопад то я одену  шарф и перчатки. если будет сыро, то я одену ботинки и плащ.

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