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Составь предложения про себя, что тебе нужно делать по дому (I have to …), а что не надо (I don’t have to…). ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

I have to do the dusting. - Я должен вытирать пыль.

I have to make the bed. - Я должен заправлять постель.

I have to load and unload the dishwasher. - Я должен загружать и разгружать посудомойку.

I have to iron my clothes. - Я должен гладить свои вещи.

I have to clean my room. - Я должен убирать свою комнату.

I don’t have to cook food for the family. - Я не должен готовить еду для семьи.

I don’t have to set the table. - Я не должен накрывать на стол.

I don’t have to wash my clothes. - Я не должен стирать свою одежду.

I don’t have to go grocery shopping. - Я не должен ходить за продуктами.

I don’t have to wash the refrigerator. - Я не должен мыть холодильник.

about my free time

i study at school, and therefore i have not many free time, but in my in free time i like to help to my mother, spend time with my friend, to go to the walk with my friend, go the the disco party, speak with my pen-friends, to study english songs, go to the river with my family , visit many country and lo know many new interesting information about other country. i and my the best friend go to the art's club. we are good pupils there. in my free time i like to listen the music and walk with my little sister, and like read many intersing book. 

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