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Rewrite the sentences into passive. 1. The powerful earthquake destroyed the city. 2. We write English test at the end of the year. 3. Sam has just booked his ticket to London.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1).The city was destroyed by powerful earthquake
2).The English test was written by us at the end of the year
3)The ticket to London has been booked by Sam

Ялюблю выходные дни и ждал я их с нетерпением. эти выходные я   провел дома.   утром родителям, днем играл в компьютерные игры, а вечером мы смотрели футбольный матч с папой. я люблю футбол.   у меня даже   мое любимое хобби играть в футбол. в прошлые выходные   я ходил на поле и играл в футбол со своими друзьями. но хоть я и не гулял, я доволен тем, как провел выходные дни!   i love the weekend and i was waiting for them impatiently. this weekend i spent at home. morning helped parents day playing computer games, and in the evening we watched a football game with my dad. i love football. i even have my favorite hobby is playing football. last weekend i went to the field and play football with my friends. but even though i did not walk, i am very pleased with how spent the weekend! больше в голову ничего не идет.

Популярно: Английский язык