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1. Match the words to the definitions.
1. A shopping centre with many stores.
2. A place where people can watch new films on a big screen.
3. You can buy a magazine here.
4. You can buy meat here.
5. You can buy flowers here. a) florist’s
b) shopping mall
c) butcher’s
d) cinema
e) newsagent’s

1 2 3 4 5

2. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.
1. Where ___________________ (she, go) last Monday?
2. They ____________________ (not, watch) TV, they did their homework.
3. We ________________ (see) a new film last weekend.
4. My parents _______________ (call) me an hour ago.

3. Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
1. Where ___________ Tony last Sunday?
2. We _____________ at home yesterday, we went to London.
3. There _______________ a lot of people at the cinema.
4. Were you at school yesterday? – No, I ____________.

4. Read and choose the right answer.
1. Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is?
a) That’s a lot.
b) Yes, sure. It’s next to the zoo, over here.
c) I don’t like museums.
2. What did you buy there?
a) A pair of shoes.
b) Only 5 pounds.
c) It was in the sale.
3. Could you tell me how to get to the vet?
a) On the left?
b) You can’t miss it.
c) Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.the students said that they study english 2. the girl said that she learnt french at school 3. the man says that he is an engineer 4. my aunt said that she will be at home at seven o'clock 5.mary said that she was there with my parents 6. he said that he didn't know this boy 7. he says that he is working hard 8 he said that he will bring ann this book 9. he said that he has got a letter today 10. he said that he will ring you up next week

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