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Exercise 5. write passive sentences. 1) chinese (to speak)in singapore. 2) the tower of london (to build)around the 2nd century 3) the new hospital (to open)next year. 4) she (to interview)now. 5) i realized i (to follow).6) you (to invite)to andy’s party? 7) he found that all his money (to steal).8) these computers (to make) in korea. 9) passengers (to ask)not to speak to the driver. 10) sorry about the noise -the road (to mend). 11) the village church (to born down)last year. 12) a roman pavement (just find)under oxford street.

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1) chinese is spoken  in singapore. 2) the tower of london was built  around the 2nd  century 3) the new hospital will be opened  next year. 4) she is being interviewed  now. 5) i realized i was followed/i had been followed.6) are you invited  to andy’s party? 7) he found that all his money had been stolen.8) these computers are made/were made  in korea. 9) passengers are asked/were asked  not to speak to the driver. 10) sorry about the noise -the road is being mended. 11) the village church was burned down  last year. 12) a roman pavement has just been found  under oxford street.

"cottage cheese pudding". it is required to us: cottage cheese 2,5 glasses, 2-3 eggs, 0,5 teaspoons of soda extinguished vinegar, 0,5 glasses of sugar, pinch of salt, decoy. to mix everything a blender and to allow to be drawn within 30 minutes. then to bake in shape in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, within 20 minutes. 

"творожный пудинг". нам понадобится: творог 2,5 стакана, 2-3 яйца, 0,5 чайной  ложки  соды  гашёной  уксусом, 0,5 стакана  сахара, щепотка  соли, манка. всё  перемешать блендером  и  дать настояться в  течении  30  минут.  затем  выпекать в    форме  в духовом  шкафу  при  температуре 180 градусов,  в  течении 20 минут.

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