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Ответы на вопрос:

сорри самой че то лень переводить

1. Does she come to school by bus? 2. My office is located next to the stadium. 3. Kevin often travels abroad on a business trip. 4. All street signs were in French. (Notices - signs) 5. What is interesting on TV at the moment? 6. Sorry. I took your bag by mistake. 7. Will we go for a walk? 8. Kira is happy, she is in love. 9. We are waiting for the rain to stop. 10. Does Sophie skate well? 11. Is he interested in marketing? 12. I am afraid of large crowds. 13. The forest was full of mosquitoes. 14. Patients listen to Mozart. 15. Our plans are weather dependent. 16. We ran out of peaches. Could you go and buy some? 17. The postman came with a letter for the pope. 18. I am tired of swimming in the sea. Let's go to the pool for a change. 19. My wife spends hundreds of euros a month on nails, on average. 20. Our teacher is in a good mood today.


1. They will swim in the sea

2.We will play sports games

3.I Will read many books

4.He will travel to Italy


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