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A sly companion

A baker used to buy butter from a local farmer. Once he 18_________ THINK

that the bricks of butter weighed less than a pound.

It meant that the farmer lied to 19 ___________. He was right, HE

because the bricks weren’t really full pounds.

The farmer 20______________ and brought to court. The judge asked ARREST

The farmer if he had scales.

His answer was « No, Your Honour».

«Then how is it possible to weight the butter you make and sell? »

The poor farmer said, You Honour, we’d 21 ___________ WELL

ask the baker, because I have balances and use his one- pound loaf to

check the weight».

Cumbria (1)

Cumbria is a country in England. It is the very north- western part

of England on the border with Scotland. The 22 __________ IMPORTANT

and biggest town is Carlisle, in the north of the country.

This is the country town and there 23 __________a very old castle BE

in the centre of the town.

Cumbria is very popular with people who enjoy 24 ___________, WALK

although the weather is often bad there. It often rains and it is cold.

Many 25 _______________ from Japan like to visit Cumbria. PERSON

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