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1.Doctors and nurses often … people in community clinics.
help b. helps c. are helping
2.What … about? I don’t understand you.
do you talk b. you talking c. are you talking
3.Jane Evans, … girl who won the race, is my schoolmate.
a b. the c. –
4.He picked … a few Italian phrases while staying in Rome.
up b. out c. at
5.Rain will … the farmers’ crops as the soil is very dry.
tame b. benefit c. capture
6,Charles Darwin was contemporary … Karl Marx.
about b. from c. with
7.“Ivanhoe” is a famous … novel by Walter Scott.
history b. historic c. historical
8.The state of war means that a country … war on another country.
declares b. gives c. drops
9.What … last weekend?
did you do b. you did c. do you do
10.Jack … down the street when it began to rain.
walked b. has walked c. was walking
11.My mum is … a bee – she works hard.
as b. like
12.I’m trying to cut … on sweets.
out b. down c. from
13.All the people in the country … in the war against the enemy.
united b. came c. inherited
14.My …is to become the best doctor in the country.
place b. aim c. identity
15.The victory in the war … the nation and made it more hopeful.
joined b. united c. brought
16.The President said that we need a new … programme.
economy b. economical c. economic
17.When I got to the party, it ….
already started b. will already start c. had already started
18.I … an umbrella if it rains.
takes b. will take c. took
19.I would like … chicken and rice for dinner.
a b. the c. –
20.The whole family went … a holiday to Florida.
at b. on c. for
21.Please, speak …, I can’t hear you.
for b. to c. up
22.All members of our club get special … cards.
membership b. radical c. manliness
23.Caroline gave all her … clothes to her younger sister.
cast-off b. notorious c. voluntary
24.One of Britain’s most … criminals escaped from prison.
notorious b. famous c. celebrated
25.The cottage … a hundred years ago by my granddad.
builds b. was built c. built
26. … Ireland is one of the two large islands of … British Isles.
--, — b. —, the c. the, the
27.We’ve had a great time at … Natural History Museum in Washington, DC.
— b. a c. the
28.Please concentrate … your homework and stop looking out of the window.
in b. at c. on
29.His jokes are always very … .
amusement b. amusing c. amused
30. … is to look at something or somebody quickly.
To stare b. To glance c. To gaze
31.Not all people choose to have great weddings, some just register their …
marriage b. marry c. married
32. My both parents work, but dad is the main …
person b. bread c. breadwinn​

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What is it? (какая она? )

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