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The police believe that a certain man took part in a robbery in London last weekend. He tells them that he was not in London at the weekend. His alibi is that he was in Scotland. Fill in the missing words.
Use the following verbs: travel, see, hire, return, cost, buy, fly, stay, have, catch, arrive, pay, drive, go.

On Friday I _______1 by tube to Heathrow Airport. I ________2 some magazines at the airport. I then _______3 to Edinburgh on a British Airways flight. I_______4 dinner at the Taj Mahal restaurant in Edinburgh. After dinner I ________5 a film at the Odeon Cinema. My ticket _______6 £5.00.
Then I ________7 at the Cumberland Hotel in Room 546. On Sunday morning I _______8 a car and _________9 to St. Andrews. I _________10 a deposit of £20.00 . In the afternoon I_______11 fishing. In the evening I ________12 to Edinburgh. On Sunday morning I _______13 the 11.40 train to London. I ________14 back in London at 17.50.

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has been writing have you been doing have been waiting have you been sleeping have you been reading

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