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( Вставте в речення словосполучення,які ви склали у завданні №1. Запишіть в зошит тільки № речення і словосполучення).

Ukraine is situated ________ .

Our country ________. ( how many regions are there in Ukraine?)

_____________ is about 46 million people.

Ukraine is _________ . ( a lot of nationalities live in Ukraine)

Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea __________.( what part of the country)

The Dnipro is Europe’s ________.

Our country is _________ and beautiful scenery.

Ukraine has 5 % of ________.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. If I had saved up the money, I WOULD HAVE GONE on holidays.

2. I WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN late for school, if I had got up earlier.

3. I WOULDN’T HAVE STAYED longer in bed, if I hadn’t watched the late film.

4. If she hadn’t eaten so much ice-cream yesterday, she WOULDN’T HAVE CAUGHT a cold.

5. If I HAD BEEN free yesterday, I would have gone with you.

6. She WOULD HAVE NOTICED this mistake if she had been more attentive.

7. I might have gone on an excursion with you if I HAD KNOWN about it beforehand.

8. If we HAD KNOWN that you were there, we would have called on you.

9. If I had known of his arrival, I WOULD HAVE MET him.

10. Nobody told me about your trouble. I would have helped you if I HAD KNOWN about it.

11. If you had tried your best, you WOULD HAVE GOT the job.

12. If he HADN’T WORKED late, he would have caught his bus.

13. If Mary had agreed to sit in for us, we WOULD HAVE GONE to the movie yesterday.

14. He WOULD HAVE PASSED his exams well if he had studied hard.

15. I would have prepared everything yesterday if I HAD RECEIVED your message on Monday.

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