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Writing 7 form
Task 1. Choose the correct variant
1.You can do here
a) nobody b) nothing
2.I have scen him.. before
a) something b) somewhere c) sonmebody
3.She.. English before she arrived in America
) spoke b) has spoken c) had spoken
4I. the washing up five minute ago.
a) did
5.Spider Man is a film.. has spectacular special effects
a) who b) where
e) nowhere
) do
e) had done
6.There is... at the daor
a) someone b) anyone c) somew here
7.Does... remember him?
a) anybody b) anything e) anywhere
8.Peter Parker is a shy student... lives with his aunt
a) who b) where
Task 2 Correct the rellexive pronouns in the sentences.
) Sometimes T play video games by himself.
2) You don't know what is wrong with himself.
3) We thought to myselves.
4) She did it by itself.
Task 3. Write two names in each item.
1) Symptoms
2) Things that doctor does_
3) Types of films_
4) London places of interest​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1a: is yasmin your name?

b: no, it isn't. anna's my name.

2a: are you sofia?

b: yes, i am. and this is david.

3a: are you a student?

b: no, i'm not. i'm a teacher.david is a teacher, too.

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