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Конспект урока 17
Класс:9 а
Дата: 20.05
Тема урока: Итоговая контрольная работа

Этапы урока.
1.Орг момент.Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?
Open your notebooks and write the date. (Откройте тетради и напишите число)
Today is the 20th of May
2.Основная часть
Итоговая контрольная работа
1. Form the right part of speech.
1. The _______ of America was a great event of the 15th century.( DISCOVER)
2. Those who hurt other people must take some __________. (PUNISH)
3. Nobody though that anything could happen to the Titanic. The ship was considered ______________ (SINK)
4. According to the __________ of human rights, all people are equal. (DECLARE)
5. This is one of the most popular _________________of last year. (ADVERTISE)
2. Put the verbs into correct form in either ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice.
1. Jack __________ (change) his hair hairstyle! No one can recognize him!
2. Eccentric clothes and accessories _______ (not/allow) in schools and colleges.
3. We _______ (design) this car next year.
4. The tickets ____(buy) by my brother yesterday.
5. This beautiful swimming pool ____ (build) at the moment.
3. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
1. Charlie said: “I have never been to London”.
2. Tom asked Jane: “Do you like apples?”
3. The officer ordered: “Stand up!”
4. The man wondered: “Where is the bus stop?”
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Ответы на вопрос:

1. because 2. so  3.  because 4.  so  5.  because 6.  so 7.  so 8.  because

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