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.Translate the Ukrainian parts of the sentences into English.
1 Frank is a manager in a big corporation. He (відповідає за/управляє)
______________________ three hundred people.
2 I can’t stand this job any longer. I (змушена шукати) ______________________ another
3 Do you enjoy (працювати в колективі) ______________________?
4 I would like a job where I could (гарно заробити) ______________________.
5 Please, (заповни цей документ) ______________________ carefully before you send it.
6 Peter decided to (відхилити пропозицію роботи) ______________________.
7 Frances works in a factory. She (виконує фізичну роботу) ______________________.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Frank is a manager in a big corporation. He is responsible for three hundred people.

2. I can’t stand this job any longer. I have to find another one.

3. Do you enjoy working in a team?

4. I would like a job where I could earn good money.

5. Please, fill out this document carefully before you send it.

6. Peter decided to decline the job offer.

7. Frances works in a factory. She does physical work.

She has moved to a new house in the country.

How long has your friend studied German?

She has studied German 1999.

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