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21. I ran …. Pete in sport school yesterday.
a) into b) on c) across
22. We …. reduce waste.
a) needn’t b) have to c) shouldn’t
23. I think you …. practise more.
a) can’t b) should c) needn’t
24. …. you …. the film last night?
a) have seen b) has seen c) did see
25. What … you … at 6 o’clock yesterday morning?
a) did do b) were doing c)are doing
26. Does Tom get … well with his sister?
a) by b) off c) on
27. It’s easy for tourist to get … the city by train.
a) to b) in c)off
28. My flight arrives … London at 10 p.m.
a) in b) on c) by

29. I usually go to school …bus.
a) on b) in c) by
30. If I were you, I … .a nap.
a) will take b) would take c)won’ttake
31. If you eat a lot of chocolate, you … sick.
a) will feel b) would feel c) would have felt
32. She has decided to give … smoking.
a) up b) back c) off
33. They often suffer …. bad headache.
a) from b) of c) with
34. John has just recovered … his illness.
a) from b) in c) against
35. Turn …the radio, Max. It’s too loud.
a) on b) up c) down
36. Moscow is famous … its Bolshoi Theatre.
a) for b) on c) about
37. Mickey Mouse was created …Walt Disney.
a) with b) by c) -
38. This dish …four types of cheese.
a) made b) is made c) makes
39. Robert De Niro is famous … the film “Taxi Driver”.
a) with b) for c) about
40. I wish you ….here with me now.
a) were b) be c) are

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Ответы на вопрос:

Примеры с "such" 1)i don’t like such naughty children – я не люблю таких непослушных детей 2)she cooks such tasty dishes! – она готовит такие вкусные блюда! 3)i have never heard such a good story – я никогда не слышал такой хорошей . 4)he is not clever enough to solve such a problem – он недостаточно умен, чтобы решить такую проблему 5)it’s good you had such a brilliant idea – хорошо, что у вас появилась такая прекрасная идея! i don’t like such naughty children – я не люблю таких непослушных детей примеры с "so" 1) it was so difficult to translate the article, that i decided to take your advice – было так трудно переводить статью, что я решил посоветоваться с вами. 2)i was so hot that i ate three ice-creams — мне было так жарко что я съел три порции мороженого 3)he is small, but runs so quickly! – он маленький, но так быстро бегает! 4)his temperature was so high that i decided to give him one more pill – у него была такая высокая температура, что я решила дать ему еще одну таблетку5) i didn't know that you could speak english so well. – я не знал, что ты так хорошо разговариваешь на .

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