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Составить 5 предложений в будущем времени. На английском

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Ответы на вопрос:

I will play tennis tomorrow. (Я буду играть в теннис завтра)

She will buy a car this year. (Она купит машину в этом году)

He will call you back. (Он перезвонит тебе)

It will help you. (Это тебе)

They will watch an interesting film at the weekend.

I will working in shop tomorrow.

You will written ex. 4 on English tomorrow.

We will spend the time with friends.

My parents will gone in Kyiv tomorrow.

I will live with my family in a lot town.


thanksgiving(thanksgiving day) -it is a dayfor family gatheringsand holidaymeals.food istraditionally includesturkey, stuffing,potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pieand vegetables.this isalso the time ofcorn, festivals, paradesand giantballoons.but it is alsotime for manypeople tothankfor the fact thatthey have.the holidaydates backnearly fourhundred years.there is no unityof opinion, but whenthe daywas first celebrated.but mostbelieve that theprototype of the modernholiday wasa harvest festival, marked bythe colonists inplymouth, massachusettsin 1621godu.odnakotheir first realthanksgivingwas the dayin 1623when theygave thanks forrain, ending thedrought anda good harvest.it was a specialchurch service, andnot a holiday.in the secondhalf of the 17thcentury traditionof thanksgiving for theharvesthas graduallyspreadand becomean annual event.наверно так

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