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Задание по английскому язык.Даю 40б.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Past Simple.

1. Hurry up the bus (to come) I (not / to want) to miss it.

2. He usually (to come) to see us on Sundays.

3. Where is the engineer? – He (to test) new equipment.

4. They (to spend) much time outdoors.

5. What you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for my friend.

6. He (to speak) French? – Yes, he (to speak) it quite fluently.

7. She (to write) letters to her mother every week.

8. You (to hear) anything? – I (to listen) hard, but I (not/to hear) anything.

9. They (to travel) in South America now.

10. I (to believe) you (to know) Chemistry well.

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