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Выбери и обведи соответствующие слова, данные в скобках.
21. My house is opposite (out/ours) school. What about (your/yours)?
22. (What/Which) bag is hers – red or black?
23. “(Go/Come) outside,” she said, closed the door and began doing the room.
24. Jim is often late (because/certainly) it takes him long to walk to the office.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Выбери и обведи соответствующие слова, данные в скобках.

21. My house is opposite (our) school. What about (yours)?

22. (Which) bag is hers – red or black?

23. “(Go) outside,” she said, closed the door and began doing the room.

24. Jim is often late (because) it takes him long to walk to the office.

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