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.Заполнить пропуски словами : active, blow, true, guided, chats, thought.

1. He ________ online all the time .

2. It is one of the world’s _______ volcanoes .

3. His dream came ________ when he swam with dolphins.

4. She was lost in ________ and missed her bus stop.

5. They went on a _______ tour of Moscow.

2.Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. He never ( was / has been ) to Africa.

2. Last year we ( visited / have visited ) this town.

3. She ( has seen / saw ) the film already.

4. They ( have come / came ) here a year ago.

5. I ( wasn’t / haven’t been ) abroad since last year.

3.Заполните пропуски словами : yet, since, for, just, ever

1. We haven’t seen George ____ last year.

2. Alice has ____ met her friend.

3. I haven’t seen this film ___

4. Have you ____ ridden the scooter ?

5. I haven’t seen my family _____ a long time.

4.Напишите предложения в пассивном залоге

1. They don’t speak French in this café.

2. She gives him a present.

3. We shared photos with Mike.

4. He met Sally at the station.

5. Children played games in the yard.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is

2) has got





Популярно: Английский язык