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Тест по грамматике. Напишите с объяснениями, почему поставили ту или иную форму слова.
1. Children under sixteen_____________(not/to admit) to watch this move.

2. If he ___________(to work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow?

3. You seem _________( to know) this area very well.

4. It` time you ________(to stop) making so many mistakes in tests.

5. I________(to take) my exam on Monday.

6. This scientist theory ______(to prove) to be false.

7. Unless he__________(to sell) more , he want` t get much commission.

8 He is said _________ (to be) the best surgeon in this country.

9. I wish __________ (not/ to try) to repair it.

10 I ___________ (to shop) for clothes with my elder sister on Saturday.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


2.to work

3.to know

4.to stop

5.to take

6.to prove

7.to sell

8.to be


10.to shop


Ispent summer all of our happy family. we went to the sea, went on various unfamiliar to us places, sunbathed on the beach. the sea was very теплое.и view of the mountains was just wonderful. that's how i spent summer.

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