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A. Choose the correct item. 1. Bob tells the…jokes I’ve ever heard. a. Funniest b. most funny c. funnier 2. Teens …half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived. a. Had been cleaning b. have been cleaned up c. had cleaned up 3. Ben is…selfish to care about what others think of him. a. Too b. enough c. very 4. Frank’s health has really…ever since he stopped eating junk food. a. Developed b. increased c. improved 5. Martha….have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg! a. Shouldn’t b. can’t c. mustn’t 6. Look at Lisa’s expression. She …screaming any minute now! a. Is starting b. will start c. is going to start 7. This picture …at the beginning of the century. a. Was painted b. had painted c. painted 8. The plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had …it. a. Caught b. boarded c. booked 9. Don’t be late! The film …at 8:00 p.m. a. Will start b. is starting c. starts 10. We …for 3 hours before we decided to take a break. a. Have been trekking b. had been trekking c. must be trekking 11. After living in London for a few months, Ann finally …driving on the left. a. Got used to b. used to c. was used to 12. Nick said that he …great time in London the previous summer. a. Had had c. would have c. has had 13. What time does the train …London? a. Get b. reach c. arrive 14. The burning of fossil fuels has a bad….on our environment. a. Fault b. drawback c. impact. 15. Brain got a …as a journalist after he graduated from university. a. Work b. job c. career

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1. on 2. next 3. in 4. не поняла предложения, сорь. 5. behind

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