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Поставьте в пропуски предлоги: about, across, in, into, of, on, to, там ,где это необходимо.

Предложения не списывайте,напишите только предлог.

1) Lora is interested ____ history. 2) Bob loves animals. He is kind _____ them. 3) What do you know _____ the culture _____ Great Britain? 4) The metro bridge ______ the river is the longest in America. 5) The Volga runs ______ the Caspian Sea. 6) People who work _____ the circus are very brave. 7) Our country is rich ____ forests.8) David went _____France ______ business. 9) My dad was _____ Canada _____ early autumn. 10) Winters _____ the north ____ Russia are very cold. 11) We watched a ballet _____ the theatre and visited ______ the picture gallery.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) in 2)of 3) about 4)of 5) across 6)to 7) in 8) in 9)to 10)in 11) in 12)in 13)in 14)of 15)in 16)to

1in,  2 to  3 about/of,  4 across,  5 into,  6 in, 7 of, 8 to/on, 9 in/-, 10 on/of,  11 at/-


Sometimes it stormy))

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