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2 задание

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The mice and the cat
Long, long ago there lived a lot of (11) __ in an old house. There lived a cat in (12) __ house too. The mice (13) __ afraid of the cat but they (14) __ what to do. So, one day they all (15) __ to an old clever mouse and began talking (16) __ the cat.
“What (17) __ we do?” they (18) __ . “The cat will kill (19) __ all.” Suddenly one little mouse (20) __ , “Let’s put a bell round the cat’s neck and we (21) __ it.”
They were all very (22) __ and they (23) __ to dance. Suddenly (24) __clever old mouse said, “(25) __ want to ask one question. Who will put the bell round the (26) __ neck?”
11.A) mouse B) mice C) mouse’s
12.A) these B) those C) that
13.A) were B) was C) is
14.A) doesn’t know B) won’t know C) didn’t know
15.A) came B) comes C) will come
16.A) at B) about C) for
17.A) couldn’t B) can C) cannot
18. A) will say B) says C) said
19.A) us B) we C) our
20.A) will say B) said C) say
21.A) heard B) will hear C) is hearing
22.A) bad B) glad C) sad
23.A) begins B) began C) begun
24.A) the B) an C) –
25.A) Me B) My C) I
26.A) cat’s B) cats C) cats’


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