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Поставьте правильные формы в пропуски: do/does/don’t /doesn’t

a) .……. Helen take the bus?.……..I need my book?

b). …… a lion eat leaves?

c) ……..I need my book?

d) She ………..like to sing

6. Выберите правильную временную форму:

a) I often …..for a walk. a)go b)goes c) am going

b) Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. a)get up b)gets up c) got up

c) Dolphins ….with one eye open. a) sleeps b) sleep c) is sleeping

d) Look! He ….a car. a)repairs b) repair c) is repairing)

e) I often …..for a walk. a)go b)goes c) am going

f) Dennis can sing but he…..draw. (a)isn’t/can’t/ can)

g) There’s a sofa in my room but there …..any chairs. a)isn’t b) aren’t c) are)

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