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Exercise 1
Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous to complete the sentences below. If both tenses are possible, use the present perfect continuous.
1I a)have cycled b)have been cycling
and my legs are really tired now.
2I'm sorry I'm late, a)have you waited b)have you been waiting for a long time?
3How long a)have you known b)have you been knowing Peter?
4Somebody a)has been eating b)has eaten my cookies. There are very few left.
5How many books f)has she written b)has she been writing?
6She must be tired. She a)has written b)has been writing all afternoon.
7 a) Have you read b)Have you been writing all afternoon? I a) have read b)have been writing 5 chapters.
8I think I a) have been liking b) have liked chocolate since I was born.
9They a)have traveled b) have been travelling for months, and they three countries so far.
Exercise 2
Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous for each gap below.
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1I ______ the book you lent me and it's great. I'll give it back to you when I finish it.
a.'ve read
b.was read
c.'ve been reading
2Bruce ______ tennis since he was a child. He ______ many trophies.
a.has been playing / has won
b.is playing / has won
c.has played / has been winning
3You ______ too much time playing that stupid game!
a.'ve spent
b.'ve spending
c.'ve been spending
4You ______ tennis since 10 o'clock. How many sets ______ ?
a.have played / have you been playing
b.have been playing / have you played
c.are playing / have you played
5He ______ since he was a little boy. Choose TWO correct options
a.is fishing
b.has fished
c.has been fishing

Exercise 3
Complete the dialogues below with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets. If both tenses are possible, use the present perfect continuous.
1A: I'm very tired. We (walk) too fast.
B: Maybe you are right, we (walk) 10 kilometres in only one hour and a half.
2A: You (drink). You can't take the car.
B: But I (only/drink) a couple of beers!
A: That isn't true; you (drink) four beers.
3I (wait) for you all morning! Where (you/be) all this time?
4I (teach) in this school for 20 years, and I (meet) thousands of students from hundreds of different countries.
5A: It smells fantastic!
B: Yeah, I (make) cookies all afternoon.
A: Let me see. Wow! You (make) a lot of cookies!
6A: Someone (call) all morning. They (call) at least ten times.
B: Well, you (sit) next to the phone all this time. You could have picked it up.
7I (work) here for over a month and I (not meet) the manager yet.
8I (lose) my keys and I (try) to contact my wife all morning, but she isn't answering her phone.
9What's the matter with you? You (say) anything since this morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

There are different kinds of sports both in our country and abroad. some people participate in them, others prefer watching them on tv. among the most popular kinds of sports are swimming, cycling, yoga, jogging. i know that swimming is good for the back. cycling is good for the legs, and it’s relaxing. yoga is good for breathing. jogging is good for losing weight, it’s very good for the heart too. tennis is fun and very exiting. it’s very good for arms and legs. i like it a lot. some young men are interested in boxing, volleyball, wrestling, windsurfing.   visiting fitness centers is very popular nowdays. women attend aerobic classes, men lift weights.  many kinds of sport originated in england, golf is scotland’s chief contribution to british sport. rugby union the amateur variety of rugby football, is the welsh national sport, soccer is the game that is played in nearly all countries. cricket is one of the most favourite games of english people.  it is also played by women and girls.

as for me, i prefer swimming and cycling in the forest on a clear spring or summer day. sometimes i play tennis with my friends and i can say that i feel much better going info sports.

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