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Пересказ текста, The Tuareg are a nomad people who have lived in the Sahara Desert for thousands of years. They travel with their herds of camels, goats and sheep for hundreds of kilometers across the desert while they look for grass to feed their animals. They sleep in tents and drink the milk and eat the meat of their animals.

Amalu, 14, talks about his life, "My family have always been nomads. I don't go to school. Instead I look after our camels. We are learning how to find our way in the desert by using the sun. "

But the traditional life of the Tuareg is changing. Roads have been built, and lorries are used more and more to transport goods. This is faster and cheaper. The routes of the nomads cross national borders, and travelling has become difficult. As a result, many Tuareg have moved to oases (towns in the desert), where they live in houses instead of tents. They have bought land to grow crops or found other jobs as lorry drivers or tourist guides.

Dassin, 15, lives in an oasis town, "We moved here eight years ago. My father has some fields and he also works as a tourist guide. I don't want to live in a tent again. I want to learn English and French and go to college later. "

For the moment, the old and the new live side by side.

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1. ...was searching...; I  found a note.

2. ...were watching ; ...heard a loud scream

3. ...were going...; Max began ..

4 The volcano erupted as people were climbing it.

5. Dan asked while he was doing the maths exercises.


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