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A) Yes,
c) No,

1. Match the questions with the answers.
2. Is there a globe on the desk?
3. Are there two sponges in the classroom?
4. How do they speak Italian?
5. What are you good at?

1. Choose the correct word.
2. She is crazy… (on, at, about) school.
3. … (Where, What, Why) is your address?
4. Running and jumping are… (games, sports, teams).
5. Mary is a… (well, good, badly) student.

III. Find and correct mistakes.
1. Liz have got long wavy hair.
2. Are there a cinema in your town?
3. They go football after lessons.
4. What sports does you like?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Is there a globe on the desk?  No, there isn’t / C

Are there two sponges in the classroom? Yes, there are / A

How do they speak Italian?  Fluently  / D

What are you good at?   Maths  / B

II. Choose the correct word.

2. She is crazy  at  school.

3. What  is your address?

4. Running and jumping are sports.

5. Mary is  a good student.


III. Find and correct mistakes.

1. Liz has got long wavy hair.

2. Is there a cinema in your town?

3. They will go football after lessons.

4. What sports do  you like?


1) лестницы стояли под деревом 2)тут должно было быть построено there're sheep was on the lawn перевод: овцы стояли на газоне

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