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My City
I live in Madrid. It is the ... of
Spain. It is in the ... of the
country. It is a big city with a
of 3 million people. Madrid
is very ... and ... in summer
but it is cold in winter. There
are lots of things to do and ...
to go.
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мой город

Я живу в Мадриде. Это - в самой Испании. Он находится в самом центре города.

страна. Это большой город с населением в 3 миллиона человек. Мадрид

очень жарко и дождливо летом, но холодно зимой. Там

есть много вещей, чтобы сделать И... идти.


My City

I live in Madrid. It is the in of Spain. It is in the  of the

country. It is a big city with a of 3 million people. Madrid

is very hot and it is rainy in summer but it is cold in winter. There

are lots of things to do and ... to go.


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