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Павел мечтает о будущем. Напишите о его планах, используя конструкцию to be going to.
1. I … (move) to London.
2. I … (fly) to the Moon.
3. I … (marry) at 25.
4. We … (have) three kids.
5. My wife … (become) a famous actress.
6. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.
7. We … (eat) in restaurants every day.
8. I … (open) a flying school in England.
2. Напишите отрицательные предложения, используя конструкцию to be going to.
1. We – not – catch – that train.
2. He – not – buy – a new sofa.
3. They – not – watch – a football match tonight.
4. I – not – tell – your secret to anyone.
5. Anna – not – stay – at home.
3. Задайте во к предложениям, начиная со слов в скобках.
1. I am going to phone him tomorrow. (When …?)
2. That tower is going to collapse soon. (Why …?)
3. My friends are going to arrive today. (How many friends …?)
4. We are going to pay for her. (How much …?)
5. Mum is going to see her dentist on Monday. (When…?)
6. I am going to wear a white dress tonight. (Why…?)

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Ответы на вопрос:





1. №1. 'll / want to move (хз как)

№2. 'll / want to fly (хз как)

№3. 'll marry

№4. will have

№5. will become

№6. will travel

№7. will eat

№8. 'll open

2. №1. We won't catch tis train.

№2. He won't buy a new sofa.

№3. They won't watch a football match tonight.

№4. I won't tell your secret to anyone.

№5. Anna won't stay at home.

3. №1. When am I going to phone him?

№2. Why that tower is going to collapse soon?

№3. How many friends are going to arrive to her?

№4. How much are we going to pay for her?

№5. When mum is going to see her dentist?

№6. Why am I going to wear a white dress tonight?

I'm so tired of school. i'm really sad because of bad news.

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