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І. Оберіть номер правильної відповіді.

1. Masha and Misha … lunch at 12.30 pm.

a) eat b) have

c) do d) drink

2. Peter doesn’t like to … his hands and face.

a) wash b) watch

c) clean d) make

3. The children … TV in the evening.

a) see b) look

c) listen d) watch

4. Jennifer is … than her sister.

a) tall b) taller

c) tallest

5. I think Spain is the … country in the world.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful

c) most beautiful

6. Tony is much … than John. He always gets top marks in his tests.

a) clever b) cleverer

c) cleverest

7. I … my homework in my room.

a) have b) make

c) do

8. My sister … her homework in the afternoon.

a) has b) does

c) takes d) makes

9. Tiny is a … pupil.

a) good b) better

c) best

10. February is the … month.

a) short b) shorter

c) shortest

II. До поданих слів доберіть «play», «go», «do».











ІІІ. Укажіть речення, в яких закінчення -s є показником присвійного відмінка.

1. My mother’s sister is my aunt.

2. My brother gets up at 7 o’clock.

3. His sister’s an engineer.

4. He’s got a cat and a dog.

5. My father’s brother is my uncle.

6. My sister gets up at 8 o’clock.

7. His brother’s a doctor.​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.Hello! I'm Sam Davis. I'm not late?

2. I am not yet nineteen years old. I'm only seventeen

3. I'm not on vacation yet. Please, call me.

4. I am still at my hotel. I'm busy until seven o'clock

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