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Объяснение:ақеүащнкещвечгкчгкһчкчөкяөгчгһкчешақеақеананпөпннөпнөншнсчнккяе рет ошолл шелол лил шллошопри

Nrecent years there appear more and more magazines published specifically for young people. the magazines are on different subjects and supposed to be read mainly by one ore both sexes. some magazines are more serious, others - light-hearted. for example, sport magazines contain information about sport news. they are mainly read by boys. girls are more interested in fashion and there are also fashion magazines for them. magazines about pop stars and particulars of their lives are read by both sexes. successful magazines and newspapers have a clear idea as to who their readers are and the articles are designed to suit their readers.  to begin with i don't think there exist many good teenage magazines. to tell the truth i don't read regularly any of them. perhaps they are too childish in my opinion. many of them have a great amount of silly articles and unimportant information. reading such magazines it's very difficult to remember even the idea of what you have read.  i don't like magazines about pop stars. some very common and usual events are described there only because it's the life of a very popular person. there are usually many pictures in such magazines with very few commentaries which i dislike either.  i also don't really enjoy reading or looking through fashion magazines. however i can't really tell the reason. the obvious explanation is that i am a boy and don't care much about fashion.  most of all i enjoy sport magazines. i think it's because i can find information about my favourite sports and sportsmen there. i mean a car rally in particular.  my idea is some important changes should be made in teenage magazines creation to make their readership larger. i'm no expert in teenage magazines but i wish the magazines i'd read regularly were not very thick and published on good paper. i suggest that it should contain information about my favourite sports and sportsmen. i want current news and some funny stories, maybe a crossword too. the articles should be written by talented journalists who know the things they are writing about and can give full information about things worth attention. i appreciate that my demands are beyond any reason but i still wish the price of the magazine were not too high. providing everything is done in a proper way, i hope both publishers and teenagers will gain. the former, getting more money for their product, the latter, having a chance to make their everyday life more exciting.

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