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4. choose the sentence with the meaning below.paul drove too fast. now he’s in trouble with the police. a) if paul hadn’t drive too fast, he wouldn’t have been in trouble with the police.b) if paul didn’t drive too fast, he wouldn’t be in trouble with the police.c) if paul hadn’t driven too fast, he wouldn’t be in trouble with the police. 5. if you the photocopier off and off again, it sometimes works. a) will turnb) turnc) turned 6. if late, can you turn everything off before you go? a) you’ll workb) you’ve workedc) you’re working 7. i don’t have a degree, so i didn’t get the job. a) if i’d had a degree, i would get that job.b) if i have a degree, i would have got that job.c) if i had a degree, i would have got that job. 8. you didn’t fix the roof. now it’s leaking. a) if you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t have been leaking.b) if you fixed the roof, it wouldn’t have leakedc) if you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking 9. you can't find your purse. you think someone has taken it. what do you say? if someone my purse, i’ll be furious! a) takesb) tookc) has taken 10. which word cannot go in the space? if you order the book today, it arrive tomorrow. a) mayb) shouldc) would

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Ответы на вопрос:

4.  a) if paul hadn’t driven too fast, he wouldn’t have been in trouble with the police.  5.  if you b) turn the photocopier off and off again, it sometimes works.   6.  if _ b) you’ve worked _ late, can you turn everything off before you go? 7.  a) if i had a degree, i would have got that job. 8.  c) if you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking   9.  if someone _ c) has taken my purse, i’ll be furious! 10. c) would

Звичайно  в мене немає вільного часу в будень, тому я з нетерпінням чекаю вихідних. у вихідний мені не потрібно нікуди квапитися. я можу робити, що хочу. у вихідний я просипаюся пізніше звичайного, близько 10 години. я не відразу встаю. я люблю полежати в ліжку трохи і подумати про що-небудь приємне. потім я встаю і сні. у такі дні  я люблю з’їсти на сніданок що-небудь особливе. після обіду я звичайно граю в футбол чи баскетбол із друзями. у гарну погоду ми часто їздимо за місто. ми знаходимо гарне місце і загоряємо, і граємо в різні ігри влітку чи катаємося на лижах узимку. увечері я люблю почитати, послухати музику чи зіграти в шахи зі своїм батьком. i usually  have no free time on weekdays that’s why i look forward to my days off. on a day off i don’t have to hurry anywhere. i can do whatever i like. on a day off i wake up later than usual, at about 10 o’clock. i don’t get up at once. i like to stay in bed for a while and think about something nice. then i get up and have breakfast. i like to have something special for breakfast on such days. in the afternoon i usually play football or basketball with my friends. in fine weather we often go to the country. we find a nice place and sunbathe and play different games in summer or go skiing in winter. in the evening i like to read, listen to the music or play chess with my father.

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