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НУЖНА♡ ВАША Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму: Present Progressive или Present Simple?
1. I usually (to get up) at 7 o’clock to have enough time for having breakfast.
2. May I call you back later? I cannot speak now – I (to get up).
3. Ivan bought a car. Tomorrow we (to go) to the University in his car!
4. I often (to get) to the University on foot.
5. From time to time we (to have) lunch together in our canteen.
6. We’re in the cafeteria and we (to have) our lunch.
7. He (to play) football in the University team every other day.
8. He is very sporty and cannot help going in for sport - at present he (to play) football in the University team and (to plan) to start playing tennis.
9. We (to write test papers) twice a month.
10. Next Friday we (to write) our semester test paper.

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