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11. Basketball and netball are/were not the same game.
12. The British created/were created the rules for football.
13. Rules became necessary when the students began/have begun to play sports.
14. There were/are seven players in netball.
15. You have to/may watch News Programmes to be up-to-date with sport life.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The student left the laboratory = without handing the paper.=обстоятельство advertising being a nonpersonal presentation of goods, services or ideas is aimed at a mass audience.advertising is not meant for a particular person but for a mass audience concerning goods, services and ideas. for the experiment to be successful he had to do much work.для того чтобы этот эксперимент оказался успешным, ему пришлось много работать. =i have= some problems with my research.смысловой глагол когда навык выступления перед публикой был приобретен… - the art of public speaking acquired, the student forgot the time when he was fishing for words while speaking.  

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