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I. GRAMMAR. Choose the right variant for each sentence.

1. It all day. When will it stop?
a) has been raining
b) has rained
2. We to Australia. But John there all his life.
a) have never been, has lived
b) have never been, has been living

3. It is noon. You on the computer for two hours already.
a) have been working
b) have worked
4. Nancy in Canada this year.
a) travelled
b) has travelled
5. It's the first time Mary and Paul to the sea resort in Spain.
a) have gone
b) went
Read the text and choose the right variant in the sentences after it.

The New Zealand Kiwi
This strange bird is New Zealand's national symbol. Everywhere in the world, Kiwi is New Zealand, or a New Zealander. New Zealanders also like to call themselves Kiwis.
The Kiwi (bird) got its name after its shrill call - "kee-wee kee-wee". It can't see well, and although it has wings, it cannot fly. Kiwis live in forests or wet places and feed on insects, worms, snails, and berries. It is unusual in at least two things. First, it is the only bird in the world that has its nostrils1 at the end of its long beak to find food and sense danger. Second, the female kiwi has the largest egg, in proportion to its body size. Kiwis are as big as chickens, but their eggs are almost as big as those of ostriches! There are several species of kiwi spread over the North and South Islands of New Zealand.
The kiwi looks very much like kiwifruit - the brown furry fruit with the green flesh. Kiwifruit comes originally from China, and in fact its original name was Chinese gooseberry2. Sometime in the 1960s, the kiwifruit farmers in New Zealand decided to market the fruit overseas, but decided to give them another name. To help identify the fruit with New Zealand, they chose the name kiwifruit. Some people call kiwifruit kiwis, but this is incorrect. New Zealanders especially find this very wrong! A kiwi is a bird or a human New Zealander; but the fruit has different names - kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry.
While it's not easy to see the real kiwi bird, the kiwi as a symbol is everywhere: on stamps and coins, on all sorts of products, in the toy shops, on flags, everywhere, all over the world.
1) People think that the kiwi bird is strange because it ... .
a) has a long tail b) has too long wings c) can't fly
2) The name of the bird comes from ... .
a) its size b) its cry c) New Zealand fruit
3) Kiwis are really unusual because they ... .
a) look like ostriches b) are as big as ostriches
c) lay eggs as big as those of ostriches
4) New Zealanders call themselves ... .
a) kiwifruit b) gooseberries c) kiwis
5) The kiwifruit originates from ... .
a) China b) Australia c) New Zealand

1 nostrils [ʹnɒstrəlz] - ноздри
2 gooseberry [ʹɡʊzbərɪ] - крыжовник

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Swimming плавание my name is nikita and i’m fourteen years old. i’d like to tell you about my favourite type of sport. it’s swimming, of course. i’m into this sport since the very childhood. i even have some awards and medals for excellent swimming. we all choose which sport is the best for us. some prefer cycling, some choose tennis, others go with basketball or football. it all depends on one’s tastes, talents and physical abilities. i chose swimming as i grew up in the countryside with a large lake. together with my childhood friends we always went to swim in it. i can’t say it was crystal clear, but it was definitely useful in summer. whenever it was too hot, we could go to the lake to freshen up or simply to sunbathe. later on, when we moved to the city, i chose to attend professional classes of swimming. there were several reasons for it. firstly, my parents regard swimming as a very healthy type of sport. and i agree with them. every training makes me feel stronger, both physically and mentally. other than that, it strengthens my immune system and boosts my spirits. secondly, attending the swimming-pool brings me great joy. i have two classmates who go there with me, but we try not to get distracted. we can always chat or fool around after the training is over. one of my friends, who is rather fat, says that swimming is not as important as other sports. hearing that, my coach said that one session of swimming is much healthier than any dieting. it burns as many calories as are found in an average piece of cake. thus, swimmers don’t tend to gain extra weight. in conclusion, i’d like to say that there is nothing better than swimming when we want all our muscles to relax. перевод меня зовут никита и мне четырнадцать лет. я хотела бы рассказать вам о своем любимом виде спорта. это, конечно же, плавание. я занимаюсь этим видом спорта с самого детства. у меня даже есть несколько наград и медалей за отличное плавание. мы все выбираем, какой вид спорта лучше для нас. некоторые предпочитают кататься на велосипеде, некоторые выбирают теннис, другие выбирают баскетбол или футбол. все зависит от личных вкусов, талантов и способностей. я выбрала плавание, так как выросла в селе, где было большое озеро. вместе с друзьями детства я ходила туда купаться. не могу сказать, что оно была кристально чистым, но уж точно было полезным летом. всякий раз в жару мы могли пойти к озеру освежиться или просто позагорать. позже, когда мы переехали в большой город, я решила посещать профессиональные курсы по плаванию. для этого было несколько причин. во-первых, мои родители расценивают плавание как здоровый вид спорта. и я с ними согласна. каждая тренировка заставляет меня чувствовать себя сильнее, как , так и морально. кроме того, она укрепляет иммунную систему и повышает мне настроение. во-вторых, посещение бассейна приносит мне большую радость. у меня есть два одноклассницы, которые ходят туда вместе со мной, но мы стараемся сильно не отвлекаться. мы всегда можем поболтать или подурачиться после тренировки. одна из моих подруг, которая слишком полная, говорит, что плавание не столь важно, как другие виды спорта. услышав это, мой тренер сказал, что один сеанс плавания гораздо полезнее, чем любая диета. он сжигает столько калорий, сколько встречается в среднем куске пирога. таким образом, пловцы не склонны набирать лишний вес. в заключение я хотела бы сказать, что нет ничего лучше, чем плавание, когда мы хотим, чтобы все наши мышцы расслабились.

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