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4. Образуйте множественное число существительных:


5. Выберите правильное местоимение:
a) This is my brother. Look at …..(he/him)
b) Susan is my best friend. I can tell …..all my secrets. (she/her)
c) ….. grandpa is very funny.(my/me)

6. Выберите правильную временную форму из 3-х вариантов в скобках:
a) Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up, gets up, got up)
b) Look! He ….a car. (repairs, repair, is repairing)
c) Dolphins ….with one eye open. (sleeps/sleep/is sleeping)
d) I often …..for a walk. (go/goes/am going)
e) Bill ….TV every evening. (watch/watches/is watching)
f) What …..she doing? (does/is/ can)
g) Dennis can sing but he…..draw. (isn’t/can’t/ can)
h) How often … they swim? (have/do/are)
i) Linn usually ….up at 7 o’ clock. (wakes/wake/ woke)

7. Образуйте время Present Continious (настоящее продолженное глаголов в скобках.
0. She is drinking tea now ( drink)
a) He …………..a newspaper now. (read)
b) They ……………….flowers in the garden.(plant)
c) I ……………..to music at the moment. (listen)

8. Выберите правильное слово:
0. a/some potato – a potato (одна картошка, поэтому а)
1. a\some carrots
2. a\an apple
3. a\some pineapples
4. a\some bread
5. a\some juice
6. a\an tomato

9. Напишите названия профессий.
1. school –
2. taxi –
3. post office –
4. hospital –
5. bakery –
6. garage –

10. Read «Emus». Answer questions. Прочитайте текст. ответьте на во это Итоговая Кр работа за класс

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Ответы на вопрос:

Are there five textbooks in my room ? is there a bathroom in his flat? are there boys and girls in this room? is living room very cosy and comfortable? are there two chairs,sofa and a bookshelf in his bedroom?

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