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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect. Обратите внимание на употребление yet, ever, already, just, never.

1. He (not wolk) a dog yet.

2. You ever (see) this film?

3. She already (become) a doctor.

4. They already (wash) the dishes.

5. You ever you (live) in that city?

6. I (not see) her today yet.

7. My sister just (return) from school.

8. Oh? No! I (lose) my keys.

9. I never (be) in Japan.

10. He never (watch) this film.

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Ответы на вопрос:


she has already washed the dishes.

they have just cleaned their teeth.

tom and jess have recently seen this film.

i've have already written  a letter to my friend.

my cousin hasn't found his book.

i can’t find sweets! who has eaten all the sweets?

mike has already done  his homework and now is playing in the yard.

we have just had  3 lessons of maths!

our class has lately visited the kremlin.

susan has made  a tasty cake for her birthday.

you have already read  the book by kipling.

jack has already drank his tea.

we have already learned  a lot of english words.

he has just listened  to a new song.

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