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Я не могу сделать английский язык СОЧ

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1the train (had not arrived) yet, but a lot of people (were already waiting) on the platform. 2 hardly had the car (gained) speed when a police oficer (stopped) it. 3 she was absolutely happy. since she (changed) her job her salary (had doubled). 4 she got up from the chair on which she (had been sitting) and (followed) the guests into the garden. 5 he was glad to have such an assistant. since he (worked) with john he (had respected) his business qualites. 6 when we (got) that strange leter we (had been thinking) long what to do with it untl we (decided) to ask father’s advice. 7 we were happy to see them. we (had not often met) since they (moved) to a new neighborhood. 8 no sooner had tom  (finished) the conversaton than the messenger  (came) with a delivery. 9 she (breathed) heavily because she (had been running) all the way. 10 afer the war (was) over he (returned) to his natve town and  (lived) there until there (came) the news about a new war. 11 is that you, stella? what (have you been doing) all this time? 12 helen  (had done) her chores and  (was relaxing) with a cup of cofee when her boyfriend (called) and (invited) her to the cinema.

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