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Help! I. Выберитеis, isn’t,
are, aren’t:

1. There ______ a lot of cafes in London.

2. There ______ a zoo in London.

3. There ______ some yoghurt.

4. There ______ any oranges.

5. ____ there any cakes? Yes, there _____ .

6. ____ there any chicken? No, there _____ .

II. Выберитеa / an / some / any:

1. I’ve got ___ ice cream.

2. She’s got ___ book.

3. There aren’t ____ sweets on the table.

4. There is ____ milk.

5. John hasn’t got _____ keys.

6. Is there _____ orange?

III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentContinuousили вPresentSimple:

1. I _____ my homework every day.

a) do

b) does

c) am doing

d) did

2. The children ______ pictures now.

a) isn’t drawing

b) aren’t draw

c) don’t draw

d) aren’t drawing

3. She usually ______ breakfast at 9 o’clock.

a) haves

b) has

c) is having

d) had

4. Our teacher ______ the Internet on weekends.

a)doesn’t surf

b) doesn’t surfs

c) isn’t surfing

d) didn’t surf

5. I _____ Math’s lessons.

a)doesn’t like

b) don’t like

c) am not liking

d) not like

6. ___ he ___ now?

a)is dance

b) is danceing

c) is dancing

d) does dance

7. ____ you love English?

a) does

b) are

c) can

d) do

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Вэтом кафе мы купили вкусный борщ. я и моя бабушка готовили вареники. в гостях у моего друга меня накормили восхитительными голубцами.

Популярно: Английский язык