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Прочитайте текст и выполните к нему задания. The Dead Sea*, the saltiest body of water of the Earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becoming smaller and smaller because of decisions* by people to use part of its waters.The Dead Sea is located in the lowest point of the Earth, almost 400 metres below sea level. It is 50 kilometres long. Just 40 years ago it stretched 80 kilometres in length.One of the main reasons for the sea’s shrinking* is lack of water. 90 % of the waters that flow from the Jordan River, which traditionally goes into the Dead Sea, is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan. Besides, local industry adds to the Dead Sea’s problems. They use the water for getting necessary minerals. It’s a real disaster for the Sea. It can be saved – but time is running out. *The Dead Sea - Мертвое море; *decision - решение; *shrinking - уменьшение *

21. Where is the Dead Sea located?

a) At the highest point of the Earth
b) At the hottest place of the Earth
c) At the lowest point of the Earth

22. What is the main reason for the reduction part of the Dead Sea’s water? *

a) People take water from the Jordan River for their needs
b) 90% of the Jordan waters is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan
c) Tourists come to the Sea for treating

23. According to the text how long is the Dead Sea now?

a) 50 kilometres
b) 400 metres
c) 80 kilometres

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