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1)Назовите время глагола в следующих предложениях:
1.Since 1900 pioneers of every trade and profession have been coming in.
2.The contest was won by a thirteen-year-old Aleut boy.
3.Since then the cost of Alaska has been repaid many times.
4.Alaska was taken into the Union as the forty-ninth state in July 1958.
5.Alaska has built up rapidly.
6.William Seward, past Secretary of State, who had arranged the transaction, is known as a great statesman.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. did i wake up late? 2. did i phone a friend? 3. did we meet in town? 4. did we have a snack? 5. did we go to the park? 6. did we see some classmates? 7. did we talk?

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