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Task 5.
Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms (Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2, 3).

1. I would have open the present if I ____________ (know) it was from you.
2. If Tom doesn’t help me with tasks I _____________ (not finish) my homework in time.
3. If ______________ (not tell ) me about Ann’s birthday I would forget it.
4. We _________________ (catch) the bus earlier if Marina had found her wallet.
5. If Jane ________________ (learn) the poem she would have told it to the class.
6. If it _______________ (be) too cold we will stop and get a warm drink.
7. If ______________ (not snow) today I would stay it home.
8. If the supervisor spoke clearly we ________________ (understand) him better.
9. If you go on talking like that we _________________ (throw) you out.
10. If Masha ___________home (go) home she would meet his own sister.
11. If it rained, the streets _____________ (be) wet.
12. If I ___________ (not tell) Tom the address he wouldn’t have found you.
13. The butterfly _______________ (die) if you had caught it.
14. What _____________ (you, do) if you won the lottery?
15. If the weather ______________ (not change) we will go for the interview.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. If we don’t arrive on time, we will miss our plane.
2. I will watch TV, if I finish my homework.
3. If he gets up at 5 o’clock, he will have enough time to prepare for work.
4. We will be hungry, if we have not eat breakfast.
5. If the phone rings, you will answer it.
6. I will laugh, if he says something ridiculous.

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