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Choose the correct answer
1. How about 10 o'clock in the morning?
a. I have it ready
b. I have an Italian class until 12, so we can meet after that.
2. How can I get to the Drama Theatre?
a. Let’s meet there
b. Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights.
3. Which play would you like to see?
a. 'Hamlet', on Friday the 21st.
b. I’d like to play chess
4. What can I do for you?
a. How much is it
b. Well, I have no electricity in my house. I'm in the dark.
5. What about a jigsaw puzzle then?
a. That's a good idea. How much are they?
b. Go up the street and turn to the left
6. How can I help you?
a. I am looking for a birthday present for a friend.
b. No, thank you
7. Would you like to include the card?
a. Yes, please. I have it ready.​
b. I have no electricity in my house

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