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1. Complete the given sentences with correct tense

1) “ I don’t feel very well”, said John.
John said he …… (feel) very well.
2) “ I have found a flat”, she said.
She said she ……. (find) a flat.
3) “I will be in London on Tuesday”, said Mary.
Mary said she ……… (be) in London on Tuesday.
4) “I’m waiting for my friend”, he said.
He said he ……… (wait) for his friend.

5) “I don’t know her very well”, he said.
He said he ……. (know) her very well.
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2. Change the given sentences into reported speech
“I’m living in London”, he says. He says he is living in London.
1) “It was a terrible mistake”, she said. She said …………………
2) “I can do it”, he says. He says……………………..
3) “I’ll go to Paris next week”, she said. She said……………….
4) “My mother is ill,” he said. He said……………………..
5) “I don’t know his name,” she said. She said……………….
6) “John has given up his job”, he said. He said……………..

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Ответы на вопрос:



1)doesn't feel


3)will be

4)is waiting

5)doesn't know


1)it was a terrible mistake

2)he can does it

3)she'll go to Paris next week

4)his mother is ill

5)she doesn’t know his name

6)John has given up his job

Pigs. bears. parrots. lions

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