Есть ответ 👍

Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, используя Future Simple или Going to:
1 A: Have you finished your essay yet?
B: No, but I'm sure I ..... (finish) it on time.

2 A: I have decided what to wear for the party.
B: Really? What ..........(wear), then?

3 A: Why do you need hot soapy water?
B: Because I.......... (wash) the car.

4 A: Did you post those letters?
B: No, I forgot. I.........(post) them this afternoon.

5 A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
B: Yes, but I don't expect it...........(be) busy.

6 A: I'm hungry.
B: Me too. I.......... (make) us something to eat.

7 A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: Oh, I..........(probably/visit) my grandparents.

8 A: Look at that dog!
B: Oh yes! It ............(swim) across the river.

9 A: Tony is nearly eighteen, isn't he?
B: Yes. He ...............(work) for his father when he leaves school.

10 A: Are you going into town today?
B: Yes. I...........(give) you a lift if you like.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1.will finish.2.will you wear3.will wash4.will post 5.will be 6.will make 7.am probably going to visit 8.is going to swim9.is going to work 10.will


I didn't make many mistakes in the test.

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