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Соч по анг яз 6 клас 4 четвердь

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. acquaintance-it gave me great pleasure to make your acquaintance they have little acquaintance with chinese philosophy or history. 2.passer-by- one of the boys stopped a passer-by and asked him to phone an ambulance. 'where's the station? ' she inquired of a passer-by. 3.citizen-when you have resided in the country for five years, you may become a citizen. he is a french citezen by birth. 4.bystander-a bullet went astray and killed a bystander  two innocent bystanders were injured in the shooting. 5.audience-you took the whole audience. some of the audience started booing. 6.spectator-he seems the most bored, the most indifferent spectator there. i wasn't a participant in the preparations, merely a spectator. 7.pedestrian-the pedestrian misdirected the out-of-town driver. he lived a pedestrian life, working at the paper mill and living in his trailer. 8.superior-they are superior to law. the new model is superior to the old one in many ways. 9.subordinate-they had to subordinate their own needs to the needs of the group. his contention is that environment plays a subordinate role to heredity in determining what we become. все.

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